
AAC:Academic Advising Center
AACC / Afro House:Afro-American Cultural Center
ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act
APACC:Asian Pacific Cultural Center
ARC: Academic Resource Center
ARH:Associated Residence Halls
AS&R:Academic Support & Retention
BA:Bachelor of Arts
BBA:Bachelor of Business Administration
BS:Bachelor of Science
CCOM:Carver College of Medicine
CIAE:Center for Inclusive Academic Excellence
CLAS:College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
CLEP:College-Level Examination Program
CPH:College of Public Health
CRWC:Campus Recreation and Wellness Center
DAOD:Division of Access, Opportunity, and Diversity
DOS:Dean of Students
E@I:Excelling at Iowa
EPB:English-Philosophy Building
FAFSA:Free Application for Federal Student Aid
FERPA: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
FGH:First Gen Hawks
FSL: Fraternity and Sorority Life
GA:Graduate Assistant
Gen Ed:General Education
GPA:Grade Point Average
GPSG:Graduate and Professional Student Government
GRA:Graduate Research Assistant
GRE:Graduate Records Examination
ICPD:Iowa City Police Department
IMU:Iowa Memorial Union
IRL:Iowa River Landing
ISSS:International Student and Scholar Services
LA:Learning Assistants
LLC:Living-Learning Community
LNACC:Latino Native American Cultural Center
MM:Metacognition Mentors
OAS:Office of Access and Support
P/N:Pass/No Pass
PCC:Pomerantz Career Center
Ped Mall:Pedestrian Mall
PLUS:Peer Led Undergraduate Study
Pride House:Pride Alliance Center
RA:Residence Assistant or Research Assistant, depending on the context
SDS:Student Disability Services
SHW:Student Health and Wellness
s.h.:Semester hours
SI:Supplemental Instruction
SOAR:Student Online Advising and Registration
TA:Teaching Assistant
TAT:Threat Assessment Team
Tippie:Shortened name for the Tippie College of Business
TIX:Title IX
TRIO SSS: TRIO Student Support Services
UCC: University Capitol Centre
UCS:University Counseling Service
UI: The University of Iowa
UIHC:University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
UIOWA:The University of Iowa
UIPD:University of Iowa Police Department
UISG or USG:University of Iowa Student Government
WRAC:Women’s Resource & Action Center


Miscellaneous Terms

Academic Probation:

Academic probation is a warning that a student has fallen out of “good academic standing.”  Typically, this is determined by a combination of cumulative and term GPA (your overall GPA and semester GPA, respectively).  Probation is a warning that you must improve your academic performance otherwise you may be dismissed by your academic college and you may not graduate.  Each college at the University of Iowa has its own standards for staying in good standing:

Dean’s List:Students who achieve a grade point average of 3.50 or higher on 12 semester hours or more of UI graded course work during a semester or summer session and who have no hours of I (incomplete) or O (no grade reported) for that enrollment are recognized by inclusion on the Dean's List for that semester.
Degree Audit:A degree audit is used to determine a student’s academic progress towards their desired degree.
Degree Applications:

Students must apply for a degree for the session in which they intend to graduate.

Dismissal: Students may be dismissed from their college if they do not improve their academic performance after being placed on academic probation.
Dropped Class:Students may elect to drop classes during the semester for various reasons (cost of tuition, unexpected illness or injury, lack of academic preparation for a specific course, etc.).  Dropping is different from withdrawing because withdrawing involves dropping all classes in a semester, not just some.  If you drop a class after the end of the second week of class the course will continue to appear on your transcript with a mark of “W.”  Classes marked with a “W” do not count towards your GPA.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA):Federal law that governs the privacy of student educational records, access to those records, and disclosure of information from them.
First-Generation College Student:First-generation college students are students who do not have a parent(s) or legal guardian(s) who completed a four-year degree or equivalent. Those whose parent(s) or legal guardian(s) who have received a four-year degree outside of the United States are also considered to be first-generation.
General Education:General Education courses in various areas of study are required for graduation.  General Education allows students to explore a variety of courses and helps them become well-rounded in their studies.  General Education requirements vary from college to college.
Graduation with Distinction:

The Office of the Registrar certifies to the dean of the college the names of students eligible to graduate with distinction. The college awards degrees "with highest distinction" to students in the highest 2 percent of the graduating class, "with high distinction" to students in the next highest 3 percent, and "with distinction" to the next highest 5 percent. Ranking is based on students' grade point averages for all college level study undertaken before the final registration.

To be eligible for graduation with distinction, students must complete a minimum 60 s.h. of University of Iowa credit of which at least 45 s.h. must have been completed before the student's final registration.

HawkID: The HawkID is your personal identification used along with your HawkID password to access most online services at the University of Iowa. It is usually made up of some combination of your first, middle and last name. For example, John F Doe might have the ID jfdoe.
Higher education:Higher education includes education after the high school level.  Institutions of higher education include universities, colleges, seminaries, institutes of technology, community colleges, and vocational schools. 
Honors with Major:Students enrolled in the Honor’s Program for their specific major (Ex: Chemistry, Public Health, Sociology, etc.). Each major identifies the requirements to graduate with honors and appoints an Honors Advisor from the Department to guide students through the process and verify satisfactory completion of the requirement upon graduation.
Iowa One Card:The Iowa One Card is the student ID card for University of Iowa Students.  It is used for after hours access to the Learning Commons at the Main Library, checking out Library materials, meal plans and doing laundry in the residence halls, and other tasks.  
Living-Learning Community (LLC): 

First-year students belong to LLCs where they can connect with a community while blending the residential and academic experience.

Mandatory Fees:

Most students enrolled at the University of Iowa must pay mandatory fees that help pay for the facilities and services offered to them.

Office Hours:Many faculty members hold regular weekly office hours.  These hours are a time for students to drop-in and get to know their professor/instructor and/or receive additional help with the course material.  No appointment is necessary for office hours.
President's List: University of Iowa undergraduate students who achieve a grade point average of 4.00 on 12 semester hours or more of UI graded course work and who have no hours of I (incomplete) or O (no grade reported) for two consecutive semesters (including summer session) are recognized by inclusion on the President's List.
Residency:Residency is used to determine a student’s tuition rate.  In-state means the student is considered a resident of Iowa whereas out-of-state students are residents of another state.  A student can become a resident of Iowa by following the guidelines on the registrar’s website.
Syllabus:A document that instructors must provide to students on the first day of class for each course they are taking. Within the syllabus a student can find information pertaining to assignments, due dates, readings prior to class, and many more.  
Tuition: Tuition owed to the University of Iowa is determined by the number of semester hours a student is enrolled in.  Tuition does not cover the cost of books, fees, or room and board.
Transition: The transition to college occurs as students move from familiar environments and experiences (ex. high school, living with their parents, and/or working full-time) to unfamiliar environments and experiences (living on campus or in an apartment, taking classes at the college level, etc.).
University Honors: University wide, qualifications and requirements are set by the Honors Program and differ from departmental honors requirements. Students who apply to the program complete the program curriculum of 12 credits in coursework and 12 credits in experiential learning. 
Withdrawal: Withdrawal means a student has decided to drop all their classes for a given semester.  This does not necessarily mean students have withdrawn from the university.  Students who choose to withdraw from a semester must process a Withdrawal of RegistrationOnce the semester begins, only a portion of tuition may be refunded.  Please see the registrar’s website for further information about deadlines for withdrawing and what percent of tuition may be refunded.


Online Portals

Engage:The online portal for connecting with student organizations.

Employee Self Service is accessed through the University Human Resources page, after signing in with your hawk id, multiple resources are available such as: 

  • Tax information 

  • Professional development information 

  • Submit and review time sheets 

  • Request time off 

  • Adjust benefits during open enrollment periods 

  • Parking information 

  • Compliances and trainings 

Handshake:Job and internship openings (both on campus and from external employers) are listed on Handshake, an online job portal service.
ICON:ICON (Iowa Courses Online) is the University of Iowa’s course management system.  Most professors post syllabi, course materials, and grades on ICON. 

MyUI is the central hub that can be utilized by students, faculty, and staff, amenities include:

  • Register for class & look up materials needed for each class 

  • View grades 

  • Financial Aid update & appointment portal 

  • Outlook email 

  • Admissions profile 

  • University Billing (UBill) information 

  • Scholarship portal 

  • Course evaluations 

  • Transit information 

  • Campus safety, and many more 


University Functions and Offices

Academic Advisor:

Academic advisors help students explore their academic interests, identify additional resources for information and support, and work with students to develop their plans of study.  Academic advisors serve a similar role as high school guidance counselors.

The University of Iowa has a two-tiered advising structure.  First year undergraduates who have not been admitted directly to the College of Business, Engineering, or Nursing are assigned to a professional academic advisor in the Academic Advising Center.  Students who have been directly admitted to the above programs or who have typically earned 24 semester hours of credit (approximate one year of full-time course-work) will be assigned to a professional or faculty advisor in their major department.

Academic Support and Retention (AS&R):

Academic Support & Retention seeks to provide support to students as they transition from high school to college and as they progress through their studies at the University of Iowa.


CAMBUS is the University’s public transit system that provides fixed-route service throughout the campus. For qualifying persons with disabilities, CAMBUS also provides a complimentary demand-response service called the Bionic Bus. The services are no fare and available to the general public.

Campus Safety:

The organization is led by the Assistant Vice President for Campus Safety and includes eight departments that are committed to all facets of campus safety. These departments include the UI Police Department, Security Services, Emergency Management, the Threat Assessment Team, Security Engineering Services, the Office of Clery Compliance, Emergency Communications, and Fire Safety.

Chemistry Resource Center:

Graduate teaching assistants hold office hours for their courses in the Chemistry Resource Center. These instructors are available to assist students in their individual chemistry courses. Students utilize this resource center to prepare for exams, request help on homework, work on laboratory reports and general study for chemistry.

Dean of Students (DOS):

The Office of the Dean of Students has two main functions:  1) It provides assistance to students experiencing crisis and emergency situations. 2) It manages the academic and non-academic conduct systems for UI.

Domestic Violence Intervention Program (DVIP): 

Domestic Violence Intervention Program (DVIP): Provides support and resources to individuals battered by their intimate partner or loved ones. They also provide the following confidential crisis intervention services: 24-hour safe shelter and hotline; advocacy with law enforcement, courts, medical and social services; counseling and support groups; youth support services; volunteer opportunities; and community education. Founded on the belief that everyone has the right to live free of fear and harm.

Faculty & Staff Disability Services (FSDS):

Housed through the University Human Resources department, Faculty and Staff Disability Services (FSDS) provides information pertaining to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Parental Leave, Pregnant Worker Fairness Act (PWFA), UI Health Care and CCOM Leave and Disability Requests, and Unpaid Medical Leave.


The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is an online application for federal financial aid.  It includes federal grants, such as the Pell Grant, federal loans, and work-study funds.  This application must be filled out in order to receive federal financial aid.  If you have any questions about FAFSA you can contained the Office of Student Financial Aid.

Financial aid:

Financial aid includes scholarships, loans, grants, and work-study that are meant to meet the costs of education at the University of Iowa.

Fraternity & Sorority Life (FSL): 

Fraternity and Sorority Life: Fraternities and Sororities at Iowa provide the opportunity for students to find their place to belong, to serve, to lead, to thrive, and to succeed as a student and throughout life. The University of Iowa prides itself on the 5 opportunities afforded to students who join Fraternity and Sorority Life.

International Programs:

International Programs is the University of Iowa’s hub for international activities, including study abroad, and International Student and Scholar Services.

International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS): 

International Student and Scholar Services of the University of Iowa provides leadership in international education and intercultural learning through services to international students and scholars, their dependents, the University, and the surrounding community. ISSS enhances the academic, cultural, and social pursuits of students and scholars through exceptional immigration and personal advising as well as outstanding cross-cultural programming and training.

Iowa Memorial Union (IMU):

The IMU offers the tech, customizable room layouts, and a welcoming, knowledgeable staff to make your next event a success.

Leadership, Service, and Civic Engagement:

The Office of Leadership, Service, and Civic Engagement is housed within the Office of the Dean of Students at the University of Iowa, Division of Student Life. Our programs help students develop lifelong leadership skills, offers incredible experiential service learning, and provides civic engagement opportunities to students both on and off campus.

Math Tutorial Lab: 

The Mathematics Tutorial Laboratory is a place for students to get assistance studying for their math classes. Its primary function is to provide students with the opportunity to receive one-on-one help from tutors ready and able to answer questions

Multicultural and International Student Support and Engagement (MISSE):

The Multicultural and International Student Support and engagement office is committed to supporting students on the University of Iowa campus through planned activities at the four UI Cultural and LGBTQ Resource Centers, annual diversity programs, and student organization events. The four MISSE centers include the African-American Cultural Center (Afro House), the Asian-Pacific American Cultural Center (APAC), the LGBTQ Resource Center, and the Latino Native American Cultural Center (LNACC).

Parent & Family Program:

The mission of the UI Parent and Family Program is to help families join the Hawkeye family, connect with key campus resources, contribute to their student’s success at Iowa, and stay updated on UI news and events.

Parking & Transportation:

Parking and Transportation: The Parking and Transportation Department provides and supports access, mobility, and transportation services to faculty, staff, students, patients, and visitors of the University of Iowa. The department consists of five operating units: Cambus, Commuter Programs, Fleet Services, Facility Operations, and Parking Services. These units collaborate to provide a broad range of parking and transportation options and services.

Pomerantz Career Center:

Pomerantz Career Center provides career counseling and professional development opportunities for students.

Office of Access and Support (OAS): 

The Office of Access and Support (OAS) provides campus wide recruitment, retention, and accreditation support while building the skill sets for Hawkeyes to lead our global workforce.

Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR):

OUR promotes undergraduate involvement in research and creative projects at the University of Iowa by facilitating the mentorship of students in research/creative work and providing platforms for students to explore research communication.

Recreational Services: 

Recreational Services provides diverse recreational educational experiences and activities that encourage active lifestyles and habits amongst the University of Iowa community.


The registrar is responsible for maintaining class enrollment and all academic records.  The Office of the Registrar offers information about registration, academic calendars, tuition, residency requirements, and graduation requirements.  The Office of the Registrar also handles requests for transcripts.


During specific registration periods, students can register for the next term’s courses.  Often additional criteria must be met before a student can register, such as approval from their academic advisor.

Residence Hall (Res Hall): 

Residence halls are the on-campus housing available to students.  They are casually called dorms.  However, unlike the dormitories of the past, residence halls are not just a place for students to sleep.  Residence hall staff provide programming, tutoring, social opportunities, and emotional support to students.

Sexual Misconduct Response Coordinator (OSMRC):

The Office of the Sexual Misconduct Response Coordinator coordinates the University’s response to reports of sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking.

Student Accountability:

The office of Student Accountability is dedicated to encouraging responsible community behavior, educating UI students, and facilitating accountability in situations where violations of the Code of Student Life have occurred.

Student Care and Assistance:

Student Care and Assistance provides resources for students in emergency or crisis situations and includes a variety of different programs. Student Care and Assistance is a central location that provides coordinated efforts along with campus partners to assist students with overcoming challenges to be successful and continue towards graduation.

Student Disability Services (SDS): 

Student Disability Services works to assure accessibility through reasonable accommodations to qualified students who currently demonstrate a condition producing significant functional limitation.

Student Engagement & Campus Programs:

We know that students who are engaged in their campus experience are more likely to be successful as University of Iowa students. We’re here to help! The Office of Student Engagement & Campus Programs provides students with opportunities to develop their interests, choose experiences that align with their goals, and enhance their education both in and outside of the classroom.

Student Health & Wellness:

Student Health & Wellness provides appointments for both health (illness, injury, etc.) and wellness (nutrition, physical activity, stress, tobacco, &Sexual Health) related concerns.

Supplemental Instruction (SI):

SI is a free resource where fellow students (SI Leaders) facilitate activities to help you understand specific courses better.

TRIO Student Support Services (TRIO SSS):

TRIO SSS is a supportive academic community that seeks to help students from disadvantaged backgrounds to do well academically, graduate in a timely manner, and be accepted to graduate or professional school if they choose to pursue education beyond the undergraduate level.

Tutor Iowa: 

A resource for students who would like additional academic assistance in a variety of courses. Tutor Iowa provides information regarding Supplemental Instruction, Private Tutors, Campus Help Labs, and all other academic resources available to them through the University.

University Counseling Service (UCS):

The UCS offers a variety of mental health consultation, counseling, and outreach services for currently enrolled University of Iowa students that contributes to a safe, welcoming, and aware of the multicultural campus community.

University Housing and Dining (UHD):

University Housing and Dining works to provide clean, well-maintained, secure, healthy, and affordable housing and dining options designed to meet the diverse and evolving developmental, educational, and nutritional needs of students living in a multicultural community.

Vice President for Student Life:

The Division of Student Life works to foster student success by creating and promoting inclusive educationally purposeful services and activities within in beyond the classroom. The office of the Vice President for student life achieves this mission by overseeing the numerous campus initiatives surrounding academics and the student experience at Iowa

Women’s Resource & Action Center (WRAC): 

WRAC works to create greater equity for individuals and communities of all identities, with a particular focus on women, through activism, social justice initiatives, leadership training, advocacy, service, and personal and professional development.

Writing Center:

The Writing Center assists with all writing projects, including multimedia projects, at any stage of development. The Writing Center service are free and available to anyone in the University of Iowa community (students, faculty, and staff). These functions are meant to help individuals become better writers, readers, and critical thinkers.