Steph Preschel
Steph Preschel serves as the Director for Academic Success in Academic Support & Retention and has been a part of the team since 2013. She focuses on collaborating with academic colleges and departments to support and improve student learning and foster positive academic experiences for all undergraduate students. She also oversees centralized academic support programs that are grounded in evidence-based learning practices, including Supplemental Instruction (SI), Learning Assistants, Metacognition Mentors, and Peer Led Undergraduate Study. The positive effect of SI on students grades and retention was featured in the Journal of Experimental Education.
Prior to her role in AS&R, Steph held positions in Residence Life and Gender and Sexuality Resources at the State University of New York, College at Oneonta. Stephanie earned a Masters of Arts degree in Student Development in Post-Secondary Education and a Bachelors of Business Administration degree in Marketing from the University of Iowa. Steph is currently working on her PhD in Higher Education and Student Affairs in Educational Policy and Leadership Studies at the University of Iowa.