Course-Based Initiatives entails programs and services that are embedded directly into specific courses at the University of Iowa.

First-Year Seminars

First-Year Seminars are topic-based courses that are specifically designed to introduce new, first year students to important principles and academic expectations that will help them be successful in college. Classes are small (capped around 20 students), taught by faculty and instructional staff, and offered for 1 credit hour during only the fall semester.

Peer Led Undergraduate Study

PLUS (Peer Led Undergraduate Study) is a course designed to provide additional support for students dually enrolled in General Chemistry I (CHEM:1070) and College Algebra (MATH:1005). PLUS is a required 0-credit course and meets twice per week for 50 minutes throughout the semester.

Learning Assistants

The Learning Assistant Program provides additional support to students through the integration of Learning Assistants (peer leaders) into classrooms. Learning Assistants are undergraduate students who, with training and support, help facilitate activities during class sessions to increase active collaboration to improve student learning. Additionally, in Fall 2022 Metacognition Mentors are being piloted as a tangent opportunity within the Learning Assistant Program. Metacognition Mentors will review ICON journal submissions of College Algebra students and provide feedback to help students develop effective learning strategies.

Learning at Iowa

Learning at Iowa is an initiative that focuses on improving learning across campus through the 3 Ms of learning, Mindset, Metacognition, and Memory. It focuses on how instructors can implement the 3Ms in their courses, as well as how we can educate students about the cognitive science of learning and how to approach their course work. Academic Support & Retention sits on the leadership team.