Learning Assistants

The Learning Assistant Program provides additional support to students through the integration of Learning Assistants (peer leaders) into classrooms. Learning Assistants are undergraduate students who, with training and support, help facilitate activities during class sessions to increase active collaboration to improve student learning. Additionally, in Fall 2022 Metacognition Mentors are being piloted as a tangent opportunity within the Learning Assistant Program. Metacognition Mentors will review ICON journal submissions of College Algebra students and provide feedback to help students develop effective learning strategies.

Peer Led Undergraduate Study

PLUS (Peer Led Undergraduate Study) is a course designed to provide additional support for students dually enrolled in General Chemistry I (CHEM:1070) and College Algebra (MATH:1005). PLUS is a required 0-credit course and meets twice per week for 50 minutes throughout the semester.

Supplemental Instruction @ The ARC

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is an academic support program that is designed to support specific challenging courses and is grounded in active and collaborative learning, allowing students to deepen their understanding of course content and learn study skills that they can use in their classes. SI Leaders – peer undergraduate students who have been successful in the course previously – are hired to facilitate 3 50-minute group study sessions each week! Sessions are free and voluntary, and students can attend as many sessions as they want, coming and going as they please!

Tutor Iowa

Tutor Iowa (tutor.uiowa.edu) is a resource to find academic assistance for University of Iowa undergraduate courses, including information on Supplemental Instruction (SI) sessions, help centers across campus, and private tutors. Additionally, Tutor Iowa offers a wide variety of academic tips worksheets and videos and serves as a platform to request an academic success workshop for classes, departments, or student organizations!